Depends on which distro you install. I built a PC with a brand new, raw
hard disk a few weeks ago, and partitioning was a routine part of the
install with Mandrake 8.2, managed through the GUI. No command line
wizardry required.
Lee Einer
Ted Gould wrote:
>On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 17:08, George Gambill wrote:
>>1.) How do I partition a Brand New (Raw) disk. I have used fdisk on windows
>>machines but not Linux.
>To be entirely honest, it's about the same on Linux... Just type fdisk
>and then the harddrive that you want to partition. Something like:
>'fdisk /dev/hdd'.
>>Question, what happened to /dev/hda4
>I'm guessing that whatever you used to partition the drive didn't create
>a hda4. Why? Because the first four are primary partition, and the
>rest are extended. Typically a partitioning program will use the later
>ones so that it has a primary left for latter. This is pretty common.
>>Question, what is none ... /dev/shm
>Shared memory, basically RAM. I don't know what it's used for though.
>I would imagine it's for RAM drives. Anyone?
>>Assuming I need entries in fstab. what would they be.
>fstab is a convenience file, you don't NEED it. Basically it is an easy
>way to go 'mount /music' and have mount figure out everything that it
>needs to know. If you want mount points done and boot up, the easiest
>way is to do that in fstab though. Just steal the line from another
>hard drive partition in there.
> Good luck,
> Ted