Am 02. Jan, 2003 schw=E4tzte Andrew and Kimi Adams so:
> The adduser script on Debian does not have all the "good" things one
> would like to have when adding a user. I do not have an easy solution
> to give you in replace of that though. I have had to funky around with
> mine until it at least did some of what I did not want to retype every
> time I add someone.
useradd can probably do everything you want. Note "useradd" not "adduser".
"When invoked with the -D option, useradd will either display the current
default values, or update the default values from the command line."
I think those are new options. You've been able to change stuff via
/etc/default for a while. Also useradd can use multiple /etc/skel setups.
# "The reasons for my decision to quit were myriad, but central to the
# decision ws the realization that there are two kinds of companies:
# Good ones ask you to think for them.
# The others tell you to think like them." -- Benjy Feen