IBM and Who

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Subject: IBM and Who
Off the top top of my head, a few big players embracing Linux:

1) Oracle has teamed up with RedHat to provide their DB to run on Linux. Oracle has been a BIG supporter of Linux since
about 1999.

2) HP has embraced Linux. Until recently, Bruce Perens worked for HP and was the open source/Linux advocate at HP.

3) Amazon has converted most of their backend servers to Linux and have realized huge $$$ savings and increased
stability (they run Oracle on Linux).

4) Google runs a server farm consisting 10,000+ computers all running Linux to bring you the best search engine around.

5) Sun is starting to embrace Linux with their Sun One inititive. There's some question about whether on not they're
fully embracing Linux, but it's a start.

6) Merril Lynch and several other large Wall St. brokage houses have embraced Linux due to it's stabiltiy and cost

This should get you started to do some searching on Google.
Hope this helps.

On 27 Dec 2002 at 15:25, George Gambill wrote:

> Got some would be experts pushing an all MS environment to a startup
> company. They (these experts) claim that Linux is not ready for serious
> consideration. Talking to them (at their preliminary presentation) it
> became obvious to me (but only me) that they have no clue as to what Linux
> is capable of today. It seems the only products they know are MS and
> therefore the only products they have to offer are MS based.
> As a side bar, I have been talking with IBM concerning Linux and their AS400
> line. IBM thinks Linux is ready. Google found just over 2.5 million web
> pages on IBM and Linux. I have to believe other big players (other than
> IBM) have also embraced Linux.
> If any of you (PLUG) can remember such other players, their names would help
> me find them. At the next presentation by these so called experts, I would
> love to present them with a big bite of Linux reality.
> Thanks in advance, George
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