On Tuesday 17 December 2002 02:05 pm, Mike Starke wrote:
> A while back ago Matt A. offered some nice cheap PC's to
> us plug members, of which I have a need for more.
> Does anyone have a good source for some cheap PC's (Matt
> do you have any more available)?
> P100 or higher
> 1.2 Gb HD
> No monitor
Not so cheap, but Fry's has brand new machines for anywhere from $250 to $399
(depending upon current sales price), under the "Great Quality" logo. One of
those guys is running badtux.net right now. They're not super-fast, but
certainly plenty fast to run a web site (I think it was a Celeron 1000 with
64MB of RAM and a 20GB hard drive).
Eric Lee Green GnuPG public key at http://badtux.org/eric/eric.gpg
mailto:eric@badtux.org Web: http://www.badtux.org