If you want to connect to something like a Sun
workstation, that terminal should probably be okay.
The bandwidth bottleneck is probably still going to be
on the terminal side, however.
There is a good deal of information on this in
Celeste's tutorial on the Stokely web site:
--- Alan Dayley <
alandd@mindspring.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 21:13, Entelin wrote:
> > I have two old terminals with 2 25 pin connecters
> on the back, Port A
> > and B. Unfortunately I have no cables or adapters
> with these and so I am
> > trying to make a 25pin to cat5 to 8pin with two of
> those unassembled
> > connecters you can get from frys ammong other
> things. My main problem is
> > that I simply cant find what the pinouts are
> supposed to be for this
> > terminal, I cant even find the company who made
> them online. Its a Falco
> > Data Products INC. F5000 series serial terminal.
> So do these things have
> > any kind of standard or anything ? or some way I
> could hack it together?
> >
> > Thanks
> While I have no experience with this particular
> brand of terminal, I
> think you have to assume that the ports are serial
> ports. As it COM
> ports, RS-232. If you are trying to wire them to
> CAT5 because you want
> them to do ethernet, they won't. You would need
> some kind of ethernet
> to serial adapter. Good luck.
> Alan
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