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On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 09:20:48PM -0700, Bob George wrote:
> I'm being forced to drop my current Cox Internet cable connection for=20
> something cheaper. I've got a budget of about $100/month, maybe a bit=20
> more. Here's what I'm after:
I don't know if they serve Phoenix or not (they're a national ISP but
not *everywhere*), but I had a very good experience with Speakeasy when
I bought service from them. You can get 1.5/768 for $100/month, they're
Linux-friendly, low-latency, have gamer packages (although the
differences between their different residential packages (Sysadmin,
Gamer, Classic) consist mainly of things like shell accounts and gaming
servers), low latency (when I had them), they encourage you to run
servers (the only restrictions are no warez, adult content, or IRC,
since they say these things tend to consume the most bandwidth), you get
straight ethernet rather than PPPoE, and you get two static IP addresses
with the option to purchase more (for $3/month/address). The least
expensive package they offer that meets your requirements is the 608/256
for $70/month.
Their site is <
http://www.speakeasy.net/>; the price sheet for
residential service is at
No affiliation with them other than as a satisfied former customer.
Bill Jonas * bill@billjonas.com * http://www.billjonas.com/
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
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