On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 19:32, Michael Havens wrote:
> I did this and it gives me an error.
> Read/Write permission failed on
> Cradle (/dev/pilot)
> Check the permissions on the device and retry
> So how do I check permissions?
as user - you probably can't change them
as root - you probably can
it's likely that /dev/pilot is a symbolic link to the serial/USB port it
is connected to.
ls -l /dev/pilot
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Apr 30 08:46 /dev/pilot ->
is a symbolic link - as opposed to
ls -l /dev/ttyS0
crw------- 1 craig uucp 4, 64 Oct 2 23:48 /dev/ttyS0
which is where the permissions lie.
perhaps you have a process already under control of the device...try
which will close evolution and kill all the processes.
I don't run X-Windows as root so if that is what you are doing, that may
cause some issues as well.