I posted an item on GNUWin II on the "aztechlist"
and got a response posted by "Richard S" <
OK, so what is an IS5 file, and can you open and
burn it with common Windows CD-burning tools?
(I haven't tried yet.)
From: "Richard S" <rscharn@cox.net>
To: "'Victor Odhner'" <vodhner@cox.net>,
Subject: RE: [aztechlist] GNUWin Free Software for Windows
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 19:08:20 -0700
Wow! This ISO should be a real plus for Windows users,
if they can figure out how to open and burn an IS5 file.
Geeks never learn.
-----Original Message-----
From: Victor Odhner [
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 10:43
Subject: [aztechlist] GNUWin Free Software for Windows
A large collection of Free Software [TM]
is now available for the Windows environment.
I heard of this via the Phoenix Linux Users
Group mailing list and thought I should pass
it on. This software is not only free of
charge, but also Free of license restrictions.
The GNUWin II web site now offers GNU utility
software in the form of an ISO CD image.
It's at:
Included are such packages as OpenOffice,
Apache web server, PHP, mySQL database,
several web browsers, the Gimp for graphics,
and, well, see for yourself at:
This includes much of the same software that
has become popular in the Unix and Linux
worlds, and in many cases you will find
capabilities that would otherwise require
purchase of software licenses and maybe
an upgrade to newer Windows software.
GNUWin II packages should run under most
Windows versions, though testing has not
been exhaustive.
This can allow you to experience much of
what Linux enthusiasts are talking about,
if taking the plunge into Linux (OR the
next version of Windows) is not a good
option for you at this time.
Using it under Windows can help to put you
in a portable position, in case you are
thinking "Beyond Microsoft". Of course
Open Office can also read and edit
most Microsoft documents, for example.
I count more than three dozen packages,
excluding the games. (The list has some
duplications under different categories.)
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