Author: Robert Bushman Date: Subject: GPL Infectiousness
On 1 Oct 2002, Derek Neighbors wrote:
> > Not true - it also affects software which is linked
> > but distributed separately. Of course, since the
> > GPL doesn't use click-wrap, this part probably wouldn't
> > hold up in court. But the intent, as stated by RMS,
> > is to infect (using the technical, unemotional
> > definition of infect).
> I disagree. I can download libFoo that is GPL and link proprietary
> software to it til my heart is content. I only have problems if I try
> to 'distribute' my application with it linked to libFoo.
That's what I meant to imply by, "linked but distributed
separately." I don't have to distribute libFoo to be bound
by the terms of the GPL. If I distribute source code
which must have libFoo present to compile, regardless of
whether I distribute libFoo, the terms of the GPL say
that I am bound by the GPL.
> Bob come on admit it, you dont watch Britney's video's to hear the
> infectious grooves, now do you. ;)
I respect her as an artist. :)
> Yes. It gets more complicated than that though. Which is worse the
> common cold or the west nile virus?
Indeterminate - "worse" is subjective.
> One is easier to catch, but one far
> more deadly. Which is more viral?
The common cold.
> Which more infectious?
The common cold.
> It is designed to ensure "freedom", by enforcing that those that use it
> not restrict the rights of those that come after them. I prefer not to
> call it infectious or viral (at least admittedly) because it sounds like
> something you wouldnt want. Yet, I suppose most people want freedom.
I would prefer if people referred to me as
"the almighty overlord, protector of the
universe." If they instead refer to me as
"college drop out", should I protest the
truth of the characterization?
Should I respond, "I left college to pursue
a career in computer science", or, "I'm not
really a college drop out, I just decided
I would rather pursue a career in computer
Doesn't the latter sound like I am unwilling
to accept responsibility for my actions?
MSketeer: The GPL is infectious.
RMSketeer: Yes, GPL software may only be used
by other GPL software - this ensures continued
public access to the evolving body of work.
"We're on the threshold of a whole new system. The time where
accountants decide what music people hear is coming to an
end. Accountants may be good at numbers, but they have terrible taste
in music. I don't know how I'm going to get paid, but I'd rather go
out into the brave new world than live with dinosaurs that are far too
big for their boots." - Keith Richards - Rolling Stones Guitarist