Am 29. Sep, 2002 schwätzte Robert Bushman so:
> I missed Michelle's lecture, but the GPL is
> intended to provide Free Software developers
> with an advantage that is unavailable to
> proprietary software developers:
> "Proprietary software developers have the advantage of money; free
> software developers need to make advantages for each other. Using the
> ordinary GPL for a library gives free software developers an advantage
> over proprietary developers: a library that they can use, while
> proprietary developers cannot use it.
It doesn't give us an advantage. They can use it as well, but under the
terms of the GPL. I can buy code from Rational Software to use in my
products, but I can only use it under the licensing terms of the purchase.
There's nothing in the GPL preventing anyone from using GPLd code. In fact,
it's explicitly available to anyone.
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