On Monday 09 September 2002 07:41 pm, George Toft wrote:
> Look at the first line. It should say #!/bin/bash
> If it says #!/bin/sh - make sure there is a symlink from sh -> bash
> If it is missing the #, you can get this error.
> If there are ^M at the end of the line, you will get this error.
> George
Hi George
The first line looks like this "#!/bin/sh" . There is no missing # at the
There are no ^M at the end of any line.
When I do a whereis sh I get the following:
loran:/home/clay # whereis sh
sh: /bin/sh
loran:/home/clay # ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul 21 11:24 /bin/sh -> bash
Thanks Clayton