Author: Kimi Adams Date: Subject: more on my machine
I just want to update everyone on how things are going with my machine.
I was switched from Windows 98 to Mandrake 8.2 yesterday. Not only was
I productive the first few minutes, but have continued to be productive
today in my many tasks. There are only a few things that for newbies it
would be important to remember.
1. XKill is not your friend, when you click the task bar. : (
2. When you reboot, you really, really can't begin to understand the
power of having your password written down, especially if that password
was not created by you.
3. Click and learn is not the best avenue, but it sure shows you things
that couldn't be done in other platforms. I found many things that we
had to add on to Windows 98 that are basic installs here.
In summary, there really is no way that people can tell you that they
are comfortable with Windows in any form, if they have ever spent the
first day on a Linux machine.
I love it and my secretary, who knows very little about Windows anyway,
is changing over tonight. By Monday, my office will be a convert
office. Wish me luck with the web design stuff.