On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 02:17:07PM -0500, Derek Neighbors wrote: > I dont devalue cygwin, but I see more as a tool for *nix folks having to
> suffer on Windows for some reason. Not as tool to help aide someone
> transition from windows to *nix. That is of course my opinion, but I
> would rather see us focus on applications that run more natively and are
> still free software. (Especially ones that also run on *nix)
I use Cygwin on a daily basis and I strongly agree with this. In terms
of emulating a *nix interface on top of Windows, it's remarkably good.
But it is also (understandably) quite slow and kludgy. To introduce
people to free software using Cygwin would give them a poor impression
of its capabilities and performance (ironically, due to deficiencies in
Windows) and IMHO would be a mistake.
I would only recommend providing Cygwin to those people who already know
what to expect from a *nix interface, since they will be aware that the
deficiencies are due to Windows and not the free software.