What they are installing will be written quite clearly on the CD.
Windows users are used to the idea of popping in a CD and having a setup
program pop up for them automatically. PLUG's URL should probably also
be on the label for the less adventurous Windows users who don't go
poking around on the CD to see what else is there. (Those same
less-adventurous types also wouldn't understand getting from an HTML
page to setup.exe on their X:\Windows\Install\Setup.exe.)
Also, if you haven't installed OpenOffice on Windows, you can't mistake
what you are installing. The opening setup screens involve an animated
horizontal scroll of the software title.
Dennis Kibbe wrote:
> On Sunday 14 July 2002 07:34 pm, Digital Wokan wrote:
>>I set up the autorun to start the Windows install since only Windows uses
>>the autorun feature.
> Since it's always nice to know WHAT you are installing I was thinking of
> something more like this.
> [AutoRun]
> ICON=SomeIcon.ico
> OPEN=ShellExecute.bat Welcome.html
> Full details are here.
> http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0499/win32/win320499.htm
> - Dennis Kibbe