Besides copying them to your HD locally, no. I only have my personal
experience to give. I have found that often, mp3 playing programs are
actively streaming the audio the entire time. This means tremendous
amounts of traffice because every second, roughly 128Kb has to be
transferred and no matter what you say or the 802.11b rating is, your
not going to get 11Mbs because that's megabits and TCP/IP is, as far as
I know, the most inefficient protocol in use.
On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 16:45, George Toft wrote:
> I wish I were normal - but then life would be boring.
> I just set up a wireless network using a Linksys WMP11 (PCI card) and a
> WAP11. I get clear communication under normal conditions:
> wlan0: 34. 53. 0% loss
> wlan0: 36. 54. 0% loss
> wlan0: 34. 53. 0% loss
> wlan0: 34. 52. 0% loss
> wlan0: 34. 53. 0% loss
> wlan0: 38. 57. 0% loss
> wlan0: 34. 52. 0% loss
> wlan0: 36. 55. 0% loss
> When I play MP3's using xmms, I get packet loss:
> wlan0: 30. 46. 0% loss
> wlan0: 32. 48. 5% loss
> wlan0: 26. 41. 6% loss
> wlan0: 34. 52. 8% loss
> wlan0: 30. 47. 5% loss
> wlan0: 36. 54. 5% loss
> wlan0: 34. 51. 8% loss
> wlan0: 34. 52. 10% loss
> wlan0: 34. 52. 5% loss
> wlan0: 36. 56. 5% loss
> wlan0: 32. 49. 1% loss
> What you are looking at is the interface (wlan0), link quality, signal
> level, and packet loss from my workstation to the WAP.
> Does anyone have a suggestion how I can listen to MP3's and not have
> packet loss?
> George
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Bryce Chidester
Network Administrator
CoBryce Communications
Bryce AT BryceCo DOT Net