Am 20. Jun, 2002 schwätzte bob smith so:
> The Linux classes are great and I'm really looking
> forward to them (attending/helping in any way I can).
> I'm also curious though on wether there will be any
> classes geared toward the *BSDs? I installed FreeBSD
> 4.6 a little while ago and I can't say enough about
> it. I've been using it as my main OS and have found
> that I can use the same apps as I would be able to in
> Linux.
We currently have no plans to cover *BSD. There will be some bleedover, e.g.
Open Office works on *BSD. Don't know if Gnome or KDE do or are default.
We're planning for the intro classes to be at that level. For sys_adm
topics, we will probably only explain what they are, e.g. MUA vs. MTA, but
not actually cover setting up an MTA.
The normal PLUG meetings are fine for *BSD topics, but we need people to
come forward with presentations.
# If you're not learning, you're not living. - der.hans