Kevin Brown wrote:
> > 1. I wanted to play around (test develop and teach
> > myself)
> > some Java Servlets Programming **Locally Without**
> > having to configure Apache
> > and Linux to work as a Network server. Is this
> > possible?
> Yes, have it listen on the loopback address/device and just call it with
> > 2. Can Apache serve .html pages and .jsp pages to a
> > local computer even if it is not
> > configured to be on the network? My idea is to use
> > the computer's loopback address
> > to emulate a 'network' setting for Apache, my
> > computer and the browswer. Is this
> > possible?
> Same as above.
> > 3. If not possible, am i stuck to learn Samba and need
> > a 'true' client/server environment
> > with a server and a workstation to develop .jsp
> > pages?
> >
> > I plan to use Apache, Jakarta Tomcat and MySQL for
> > testing and learning.
> > I'm currently using Redhat 7.2 and KDE as a desktop
> > environment.
> >
> > Thanks in advance....
> >
> > BTW - any DeVry guys out there?
> ________________________________________________
I started out doing this on my current workstation, and discovered (a
few months later) that this was a mistake. My circumstances may be
abnormal, but I ended up having to change over to from (For those that do not recognize the 55 in the above IP -
it's VMWare's vmnet1 address.)
I needed the ability to surf my development website from the localhost
as well as the VMWare sessions I created. By using the
address, the VMWare machines could not access the website. Needless to
say, returning a DNS answer of for georgetoft.test REALLY did
not work well at all for the vmware sessions.
But for now, is probably good enough.