Author: Matt Alexander Date: Subject: SonicWall and linux client
Just tell your admin that you're running Linux so you don't have to worry
about all the Windows viruses out there (he/she should be scanning
or blocking email attachments on the mail server anyway). Give your box a
static IP, have your admin tell the SonicWall to let you through, and
you're set.
Viruses on Linux are possible, but their propogation is slowed by a number
of factors, such as:
1) Less Linux workstations directly connected to the Internet, relative to
Windows boxes. Expect this to change in the future as more users and
businesses start using Linux.
2) Linux users are usually more technically savvy and less likely to run
strange attachments. Expect this to change in the future as well.
3) Damage is limited to only the files that the user can change/delete.
On Sun, 9 Jun 2002, Charlie Bullen wrote:
> I have been able to get Opera on Suse 7.3 to present itself to SoncWall as IE 5, but it still won't let me through. The solution proposed by sonic wall is to assign a Static ip address to my linux box and exepmt that ip from the anti virus requirement. This is possible to do, but I may have a hard time selling this idea to my employer.
> Is there any danger and if so how much, to running a linuxbox with no anti virus protection on a network that is all win98 or XP workstations? Many Linux servers, but this would be the first linux workstation.
> I've never heard of such a thing but is there antivirus software for linux?
> Regards,
> Charlie