Am 26. May, 2002 schwätzte Victor Odhner so:
> And any install we do will include a pass through
> Bastille. RIGHT?
If we use Bastille we have to explain it to them as we run through it. Yeah,
it's fairly self-explanatory, but not if they don't see it.
> ... which implies we need to bring along a few spare
> CD drives and NICs for temporary use, right?
Those items need to go on the 'hw we need' list.
> Inficad, on the other hand, required me to create a
> login script before kppp could make a connection.
Details ( phone number, username, passwd, etc. ) need to go on the 'what you
need for the install' page.
> I wonder if we could get a stock of 56k externals
> from some vendor -- I don't know anything about
> selling on consignment, tax issues, etc.
I'm thinking that's difficult, but someone's free to refute it :).
We need to double-check with Thurman that we're allowed to sell hardware.
If we are, I will talk to one store and see if we can't arrange for them to
show up with a small set of common things for sale.
If we're allowed to sell someone from PLUG could do the same thing.
Also the Sccts Pavillions are 2 miles from SCC and they have a couple of
stores that would have computer hw.
> BIG POINT. Should we mention this in the press
> release? It won't create any good will for us to
> be breaking people's AOL access, with them finding
> out too late!
Not in the press release, but on the page about requirements.
> Does our announcement mention how much disk space the
> box needs to have AVAILABLE to load Linux?
Again, not the press release, but on the requirements page.
> Will people understand that they have to give up some
> or all of their Windows space, that Linux can't just
> be installed "under" Windows?
They will if they read the requirements page.
> Some of the machines that come in will have an old BIOS
> and may need to boot LILO from floppy. Do we need to
> have a fistful of fresh LILO floppies available?
We should just have a stack of blank floppies to go with the blank CDs and
the cdwriter.
# Passwords are like underwear. You don't share them, you don't hang them on
# your monitor, or under your keyboard, you don't email them, or put them on
# a web site, and you must change them very often. -- Unknown