Author: Matt Alexander Date: Subject: OpenOffice 1.0 download site?
On 3 May 2002, Craig White wrote:
> I downloaded it the other day - it came very fast. I don't know what to
> do with the 2nd part (solver - it was about 100mb) and I haven't
> bothered to install.
> on my redhat system, it didn't automatically locate my installed
> jre-1.3.1_02 (located in /usr/java) so I had to locate it for the
> installer but things went well and it did exceeding well on my initial
> tests of converting Word.doc's & Excel.xls's
> looks like a keeper...
Yup. Management at my company has been testing it and they've been
impressed so far (we've been running it unofficially elsewhere in the
If things continue to go well, we'll get rid of MS Office all together.