> May want to? I'm embarrassed that the site doesn't support Mozilla since I
> use the sig file nearly everywhere now, and people on some of these lists
> will use it. I am a little confused by what you mean by adding .asp
> to the mime type though. Having visited the site with Mozilla, I get the
> noframes section of the page as if the browser type has been determined to
> not support frames. Could you provide some clarification?
> Thanks
Well I didn't really look at the code but it came up for me as plain
text and I saw the asp extention. So I assumed it was the mime type
problem. I posted a few weeks ago about how when you use a DTD on your
page you *must* set the mime type of your extention on the server (I
belive at the time I was talking about the css extendtion, however it
applies to any extention). I'll try to search the archives for the link
I posted. Here it is
That said it *could* be your browser sniffer. I've been trying to
convince everyone to start doing object detection instead of "client"
detection. The problem with that is that now everyone is doing objet
detection wrong. When *I* say object detection, I mean test for the
existance of an object *before* you try to use it. I admit that this
could lead to a bit more code but with so many browser out and each
having different levels of DOM support that seems to be the best way to
go about it for me. It seems that most people seem to get away with
testing for document.getElementByID to see if its a moden browser.
document.all to see if its IE and document.layers for old style NS. I'll
admit that this will work most of the time but doesn't allow your page
to anticipate browsers you don't know about. Today most seem to be fine
as long as it works in IE and NS. but I like my pages to work on
anything. So before I use a object in the page I test for it and if its
not there I have some other way of getting the infomation (often just a
link to a static html page)