Local daycare center wants to set up row of educational desk…

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Author: der.hans
Subject: Local daycare center wants to set up row of educational desktops.
Am 20. Mar, 2002 schwätzte Mark Berkwitt so:

> The owner of a childcare center in the near west side Phoenix area has
> expressed interest in providing a computer experience to his clients'
> children. All of these children come from disadvantaged homes where
> computers are unlikely.
> I'm posting this to send out feelers for suggestions of:
> 1. where to get possible hardware donations perhaps from corporatations
> upgrading their pc's.

www.strut.org. Looks like that's for .or, but there's a .az branch as well.
There are a couple of other orgs, I'll have to search my archives.

> 2. what kind of hardware configurations are best (ie. 1 server, clients w/o
> hdd's).
> 3. recommended software for early teen & preteen.

There are several Linux projects aimed at children. Jim was touting a new
organization that's meant to be an umbrella for all the others. I forget
what it is.

How old are the kids in the childcare?

This sounds like a good project for AZOTO if the daycare is willing to run


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