I just got confirmation from Thurm for PLUG to do a presentation on April
10th (its a Wednesday) from 7-ish till 9-ish at Scottsdale Community College
(101 and Chapparal). It is going to be part of his Intro to Unix class, but
he would like to open attendance to all CS students.
So I come, hat in hand, to you again. I know I can count on Kevin and Alan
to help out with this. I would like to give them the opportunity to hear
from more PLUG members. I will prolly be doing 15 minutes or so on what PLUG
is, its history, and how to join, etc. The rest of the time is still up for
I think we should also get the volunteers together at maybe Bandys or the
Gold Bar to talk about what we are going to present. The more planning we
do, the more impressive we can be.
You know the email addy. Punch those keys if you want to get involved.
Remember, these students are the next generation of the revolution.
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