I'm having a problem with the Porivo Peer client. I'm running RedHat 7.2
I downloaded JRE from SUN and installed it from the RPM.
I updated my .bash_profile per the JRE install intructions by adding
and sourced it. Then I ran the following commands per the Porivo Peer
support FAQ.
ln -s /bin/cut /usr/bin/cut
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
ulimit -s 2048
Installed Porivo Peer.
When I try to run the Porivo client I get the following error message:
[root@localhost porivo]# ./porivoPeer &
[1] 2705
Checking for files...
[root@localhost porivo]# .porivo.dat
Starting PorivoPeer...
Checking for new jar files...
sh: ./jre/bin/java: bad interpreter: Permission denied
Unable to download kernel... please connect to the Internet and try again...
I checked permissions on /jre/bin/java
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2839 Mar 2 10:58 java
I emailed Porivo but have received no response.
Anyone have any ideas on this ?
Guy A Chouinard Jr.