George Toft wrote: > I hate to be a whiner about the 4 pt font and black letters on a
> gray background, so I won't. I'm using Netscape Messenger. Can
> someone tell me how I can receive these mails and actually read
> them as it must be a misconfiguration in Netscape that my aging
> eyes cannot overcome.
> Regards,
> George
George, I also use Netscape Messenger. My technique is to hunch over
close to the screen and read the tiney letters :-) If it's more than a
few sentences my backup plan is to delete it. In the past I'd switch to
640x480 res for such cases but I seldom bother anymore (getting lazier
the closer to 40 I get).
Another technique that's worked is to highlight tiny text with the mouse
and paste it into a text editor with a visible font.