This seems to be somewhat (but not really) similar to that problem I'm
having with my Pentium laptop (At least it's on-topic). Ive got this
Compaq LTE laptop and unfortunetly it has a pentium with the F0 0F bug.
Now I know that the linux kernel has wrokarounds for this bug but in
recent kernel versions it seems to be broken? I can't boot the system
into RH 7.2 install (7.1 works fine) because kernels from 2.4.5+ haven't
worked for me. Does anybody have any ideas on how to get the workaround
to compile in the kernel? I've looked at the code but I don't understand
why it's not working, all the pre-req's seem fine. Maybe it's being
detected as a different processor? I have tried GCC 2.96 and 3.0.3 no
On boot the kernel hangs with a processor error that scrolls