Author: George Toft Date: Subject: Looking for Unix talent
My recruiter is looking for someone for an upcoming fill at my current
(in Florida). The need is real, but it still has to go through the
of an internal search before it is released to the head hunters, so it
be a month or so before the position is able to be filled.
I will forward your resume to him. Don't send me a cover letter - just
resume for me to forward. Here are the skills that you need:
* Unix (not necessarily admin, but user): AIX, Solaris
- This is primarily an AIX shop with a few Solaris boxen.
- You better know what a umask is and the difference between a ' and "
in ksh.
- If you don't know the difference between a grep and a grope, press the
Delete key now.
- You don't need to be an LDAP admin, but you better know how to read an
- Knowledge of SQL
* Netegrity Siteminder
- Do you know what APS, FPS and DMS are?
* Networking
- Knowledge of TCP/IP routing
* System Integration Experience
* Java: JSP's and Servlets
- You don't need to be a programmer, but the ability to read Java code
will really help.
* JavaScript & HTML
* Netscape Enterprise Server
* WebSphere 3.5
* ServletExec by New Atlanta
* Cross-Platform Interoperability
- Do you know how different OSes terminate lines, and how to get them
to transfer data reliably?
* Initiative
- If you are the type that will sit and wait until the boss comes back
when you hit a roadblock, please don't even send your resume. No
- Do you install OpenLDAP or WAS on your Linux box at home?
* Reliability
- Hours are flexible, but you had better show your face at the same time
every day.
* Troubleshooting
- When given an intermittent problem, can you figure out where the
is in a distributed environment?
* A Bachelor's Degree
- A guy in our department was let go because his resume said he had one
when he didn't. They will check everything on your resume.
* A Clean Background
- Federal Law requires annual background investigation (criminal and
for employees and contractors.
* Security
- Unix security as well as procedures.
- CISSP certification would be helpful, but definitely not a requirement
* Ability to Assimilate Large Amounts of Information in a Short Period
of Time
* Interpersonal Skills
- Can you motivate others to help you when they have no compelling
or requirement to do so?
* A clue.
- Again, no kidding.
I don't know what the pay range is, but I know it's more than the $12-14
per hour the Solaris Engineer position in Mesa is offering.
My boss started out as a programmer, now she's a director. She helped
write the CISSP exam, so she's pretty sharp. You will not be able to
B.S. her on technical issues.