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On Sun, 2001-11-25 at 09:10, Lynn David Newton wrote:
> It's almost enough to make a guy switch to using a
> Windows system. Clearly, MS has won the desktop war.
> Linux never had a chance in that arena. The only
> persons using Linux as a desktop are those idealists
> among us who have become jaded on Unix and have not yet
> given up the lost battle. (Like me.)
I don't think it is a lost battle only because there is a resurgence in
linux/unix use. Linux is growing and doesn't show any signs of stopping
yet... MS Software is getting more expensive and less people are going
to be able to copy/pirate it and they mind share will slowly go down. =20
I personally think that Linux has already won. There is little I can't
do in Linux right now that I would be able to do in windows (aside from
running MS Software directly like you did mention), and that list is
shrinking daily. There is a lot I can do in Linux that cant be done on
windows, at least not without a large fortune.
Bill Warner
Unix/Linux Admin.
Direct Alliance Corporation
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