Author: George Toft Date: Subject: Why Linux will win and Micro$oft will lose
Excellent point!
Matt Alexander wrote: >
> On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, George Toft wrote:
> > Short version: Converting to Linux costs much, much more. An
> > example is presented for a "hypothetical" local company converting
> > their desktop to Linux. Result is that it will cost over
> > $900K - just to avoid a $150K license.
> I agree that trying to switch a medium or large company COMPLETELY over to
> Linux in one big move would be rather painful. Small companies could make
> the switch much easier. However, George seems to be suggesting that
> companies are stuck with Windows forever just because the switch might be
> more costly. I know of many companies that would like to get out from
> under Microsoft's licensing thumb, so I would recommend to them that they
> spend some time/money bringing their IT help desk support staff up to
> speed on Linux (this is what I'm doing now at my company) and then slowly
> deploy Linux in areas at first where it's the least disruptive to business
> needs. For example, everyone in our call center needs occasional Web
> access, email access, and a telnet client to access the billing software
> on our Unix servers. So for them, it'll be a relatively easy switch if we
> take it slowly. For some of the other departments, such as HR or
> Marketing, we may never be able to switch them over to Linux entirely
> simply because of the Windows-specific apps they use and the complexity of
> their needs. This is perfectly acceptible to me. We can run a mixed
> environment and just not upgrade the Windows boxes. I predict that other
> companies with an interest in using Linux on the desktop will have to run
> a mixed environment for a long time as well with the long-term goal being
> to migrate as much over to Linux as possible.
> ~M
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