A little something from another lug guys.
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To: LINUX-L@LISTS.UFL.EDU, JaxLUG<jaxlug-list@jaxlug.org>,
leaplist@lists.leap-cf.org, slug@nks.net, linux-hack@yahoogroups.com,
aawtrey@idealcorp.com, <res09gkq@verizon.net>, <don@donpavlish.com>
Cc: sssca@matrixlist.com
Subject: [LeapList]Anti-sssca mailing list now active
From: Steve Litt <slitt@troubleshooters.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 08:48:06 -0400
Hi all,
The anti-sssca mailing list is now active. Our first order of business is to
gather material for an anti-sssca song lampooning the corrupt greed of the
companies pushing this forward, and the abject stupidity of any legislators
voting for it.
Any material not making it into the song will doubtlessly be quoted on
websites all over the place.
You can sign up for the list at
If you have posting rights on any Linux mailing list, please repost this to
that list.
SSSCA has the potential to prevent you from using GNU/Linux, free software
and Open Source. Be part of the solution!
Steve Litt
Webmaster, Troubleshooters.Com
LeapList mailing list
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