> Was hit by "Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!" from
> hahaha@sexyfun.net seven or eight times today. Each time I deleted the
> file, both from my mailbox and also from the trash and did _not_ open
> the .scr attachment. Was this file really nefarious, that is, the
> carrier of a worm, trojan horse, or virus, or was I just being paranoid
> and all they were trying to do was to entice me to a porn site?
> Enquiring minds and all that.
No that really is a virus. If you go to sexyfun.net you get a page with
info about the virus and how to get rid of it if you did get it.
We used to get a bunch of those at the school. Luckily we dont run
outlook at all so the teachers that like to open everything they get, did
infect the machines, but it didn't spread because of the empty address
book. A few lines in procmail took care of that one quickly.
Brian Cluff