Partition Magic will work of course, but it might be easier to create a Win98 startup disk (Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs | Startup Disk) and use fdisk to remove the partition and let Red Hat format repartition the drive. I think you can run fdisk from the command line as well.
Read the fdsk instructions carefully and be sure you are on the correct drive or you could wipe out your Windows partition.
Dennis Kibbe
Quoting Kevin Brown <>:
> Don't know if this is a solution, but if you have a program like
> Partition Magic
> around you can destroy the partitions on hdb so that there are no Fat32
> partitions on it and then try to install. Hopefully that Asus MBs BIOS
> can
> identify a drive larger than 8GB (this used to be a problem).
> If the hard drives were already formatted when you got them, then they
> were not
> new/unopened. I've seen Fry's sell "new" drives that already had
> partitions and
> files on them. No new hard drive should have any partitions or
> formatting.
Everyone should have