Author: Brian Cluff Date: Subject: ARTICLE: Every AZ student to get Microsoft Office
> So, if there is a student that isnt going to use the machine the whole > school year, (there's gotta be some, PhysEd Majors, you know :-) does my
> tax money pay 8.16 for them, too? seems like quite the ripoff to me.
Thats the way all the other programs have been in the past, it's an all or
nothing type of thing. It's the same way with the old system. We were
thinking about going with the program on a few of the admin machines and
linux on all the rest and when we tried to do that we were told that we had
to pay a license for every single computer even if they weren't going to run
the software.
This is MS we are taking about... the people that came up with the "You have
to pay us X amount of money for every machines you sell or you can't carry
MS products"