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On Sun, Aug 26, 2001 at 07:47:07PM -0700, John (EBo) David wrote:
> "der.hans" wrote:
> >=20
> > moin, moin,
> >=20
> > looks like m$ is learning from Chicago politics...
> >=20
> > Saw this after reading the Intel make Linux compiler article above it.
> >=20
> > http://www.tomshardware.com/technews/index.html#0100
> >=20
> > Skip to the 2nd paragraph, specifically starting at the link to the Sea=
> > Times.
> >=20
> > The Seattle Times article, however, shows that it isn't m$ directly tha=
> > pulling it.
> >=20
> > http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/134332634_microlob23.=
> well... that surely burns my brakets!
> does anyone have a list of appropriate people to start writing anti-M$
> letters? One that lists people for at least state, national, and
> judicial would be nice. =20
> I'm not much of a political player, but I think I just had it. We
> should start writing letters ourselves, I plan to...
> EBo --
Seems to me we're stuck in the middle of yet another "guilded age" -- only
no railroads or large steel conglomerates...
Hrm... Perhaps M$ is akin to Standard Oil and Intel is akin to US Steel?
(sorry -- just got done reading a whole 25 page chapter on that for history
class. =3Dop)
In any case, how much effect are those letters M$ has sent out going to be
when Tom's Hardware and the Seattle Times both report that they're written
from dead people? Surely other media sources have picked up on this.
Besides, politicians aren't stupid -- they're only after money, and weather=
"grassroots pro-M$ campaign" has started or not would hardly make a
difference to them -- unless, of course, their palms are being greased in
the process.
Thomas "Mondoshawan" Tate
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