Does anyone have a Tivo and Qwest's Digital Gateway Service? It
seems to me that Tivo cannot tune the Gateway Box, so it will be
just a VCR to us.
Please advise.
Brian Cluff wrote:
> > Way cool. So it's already in SVCD format.
> >
> > How about the guide service, do you have to subscribe to that to get a
> Tivo to work, or is that just a convenience?
> Nope, it works just fine. The guide server does provide all the cool stuff
> it does. Without it you might as well just buy a couple VCR's, or a
> computer with a TV card. The guide service really adds to the value of the
> tivo allowing you to just setup what shows you like... you dont care about
> what time they are on, or if some ball game has pre-empted your show, you
> just want the show no matter what time it moves to. The new tivo software
> can also be set to only record the new shows and leave off the repetes so it
> doesn't waste your space and time doing that. One kinda cool feature that
> I've only used once but it's very cool that its there is from time to time
> you will be watching a commercial about an upcoming show. If the channel
> provides the nessessary extra data a little green thumb will pop up on the
> screen and you can tell the tivo to record that show you are watching a
> commercial for with just one button. Kinda along the lines of interactive
> DirectTV for those of you that have that :)
> I just bought the lifetime package that has a 1 time charge. All you have
> to do is keep your tivo in good working order and it will definatly pay for
> itself over time. Mine has definatly paid for itself sine ive had mine for
> over a year and a half now. I would bet that smokers would have a higher
> death rate on their systems and it might not be worth it for a lifetime
> subscription, or you can do like me and just pop a new hard drive into it
> every year. I tend to upgrade it from time to time and put the old drive
> into a computer where I can monitor it a little better.
> Brian Cluff
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