Good logical thinking, Hans. PLUG can help Brian. I wonder if Brian wants
any help. Brian?
On Monday 20 August 2001 15:10, you wrote:
> Am 20. Aug, 2001 schwäzte so:
> > Here's an article that talks about a Colorado school switching
> > to Linux:
> >
> >,1383,45862,00.html
> >
> > I think it would be a very, very good project for this LUG
> > to get involved with the local school systems and encourage
> > them to use Linux. Many of us could probably even volunteer
> > our time to help set things up and train people to administer
> > the systems. Or, people could volunteer to remotely adminster
> > the systems for free.
> Helping a school is actually one of the first projects we're hoping to get
> going with AZOTO[1]. It should really be a PLUG project with support from
> AZOTO where necessary.
> I keep thinking we have an edge because Sequoia ( they host the west side
> meetings ) is moving to Linux. Brian can help us a lot due to the
> experience he has. Thinking about it, however, causes me to do the Homer (
> "d-oh" ). Rather than having Brian help us, we should help him. That would
> make it an easier project. It would give us a success to stick under our
> belts when we go looking for other schools or non-profits.
> I have been waiting for our paperwork to get done because AZOTO doesn't yet
> have 501c3 status. Helping Sequoia probably won't take any money, and if it
> did donations could go directly to the school.
> For the devel group, we might pick up educational programs the school needs
> for our learning projects.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> [1] The other project being the Open Source/Free Software conference in
> Mar.