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On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 08:34:08PM -0700, John (EBo) David wrote:
> well... the move is all but finished...
> I know that this is not a Linux question, but I figure I would ask
> anyway. My apologies if this ruffles a feather or two.
> I need to move a mail server running solaris. It took me a day or two
> reading through all the docs to get the configuration running the first
> time, and I have since misplaced my notes... sigh.
> Since the machine is changing domains, I need to change the
> configuration so that it can act as a relay for the new domain (ie. can
> receive email from more than the one subdomain). Can anyone post an
> example of the "CR" field definition in sendmail.cf that supposidly sets
> up relay for a specific machine? I tried this and it did not appear to
> work. Also, is there some comand that is supposed to be run after
> changing sendmail.cf? Like I said I lost my notes in the move and it
> has been over a year since I set it up...
> Any pointers would be appreciated...
> EBo --
I had to do this very thing with my own sendmail configuration. There should
be a set of files in /etc/mail called access and relay-domains, along with
corresponding access.db and relay-domains.db files. These contain the rules
for who can access the mail server, etc. The first two (without the .db
extension) are plain text files. You'll need to edit the access file and add
a line that says "<yourdomain> RELAY" (no anglebrackets). After editing tha=
do a "makemap hash /etc/mail/access.db < /etc/mail/access". This will rebui=
the database. Restart sendmail and test it with a mail client on the new
Thomas "Mondoshawan" Tate
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