thanks! I'll look into Qt a bit more.
Tom Bradford wrote:
> When I first started developing dbXML, it was exclusively C++ code...
> My only complaint was having to use the pre-processor to
> handle signals and slots, but other that it was fairly easy.
As a non sequidore, you might be interested in two related projects for
dbXML... There is a new EBNF parser called Spirit that is written in
C++ and uses some of the advanced ISO features of the language. It was
intended as a lightweight replacement for much of the YACC/LEX
functionality that can be embedded into C++ programs. One of the
members of the group is writing an XML parser using Spirit. Spirit is
available at:
The second related project is a new package being developed through that implements a signal and socket interface. Boost is
interesting because it is free open source and can be used in commercial
apps without worry, and half of the ANSI/ISO C++ standards committee are
contributors (including Strustrupe). Much of what is being developed
and tested there are being considered for submissions to the standards
body. This is where several of them are pushing the limits of
EBo --