Kit Plummer wrote: > If you go to you'll see that their main target are tech
> folks...and not your typical "help desk" tech personnel either. Also,
> this isn't about Linux or Windows...this is about bad business in
> general.
There are substantially more tech folks who use, develop for, and
develop on Windows than on Linux or any *NIX based operating system.
The ratio might be slightly skewed from the typical user ratios, but not
by much. So the assumption of Windows use still stands.
> Why should I have to compromise my quality of choice to accomodate
> someone who is in business to provide me with a service? And,
> especially in a case related to sour technology?
As with any decision, businesses weigh their choices based on the costs
and benefits of those decisions. It's just a plain fact that if you
target IE users you have the bulk of all internet users, and if you add
Netscape to that support, you've got more than 90%. To spend a
considerable amount of money to make sure that your web site works with
the other browsers doesn't make good business sense. Why don't they
support Lynx while they're at it?
> Also, to comment on your relationship between asses like me and the
> evangelical promotion of Linux. There isn't one. The people that I
> might piss off - don't care about Linux (and wouldn't if I was as nice
> as grandma)!
Not really the point. The point is, a good answer would have been
"Sorry, I don't user Windows, do you have any other suggestions?" Going
off on a "I'm in the minority, and you suck for supporting the majority"
rant doesn't benefit anyone, especially the minority.