> 1-run a process in console 1
> 2-process hangs
> 3-press Alt-F2, log in as root in console 2
> 4-kill hung process in console 1
> How do I do step 4? Can I?
ps -axf # to figure out what process is hung
# take the process id from the ps listing and
kill -HUP <pid>
for example:
# ps -axf | tail -3
944 tty1 S 0:01 login -- rusty
2184 tty1 S 0:00 \_ -bash
2195 tty1 R 0:00 \_ ls --color=auto -F -altR
# kill -HUP 2195
If the HUP does not do it, try progressivly harder kills till you
reach kill -9. If -9 doesn't do it - nothing will. (And, no,
counting from 15 down to 9 does NOT count for progressivly harder kills ;-)