> I know. I was being a prick... that's what I do.
I like that line. I will have to use it myself sometime. :)
> True... Though there's no law that says you must believe in the source
> code license of your OS in order to use it. I use Solaris, and don't
> much appreciate the SCSL. I don't like the GPL either, but I use Linux
> at home.
Absolutely. I think we have all at some point have used an OS where we
didnt care for the license much. Assuming most of us have used a windows
box at some point in our life.
> >From a freedom standpoint, it can be argued that the BSD license is a
> much more free license than the GPL. I always hated when my mother
> forced me to share my toys with my brother.
BSD is definitely more FREE for the end user. Anyone who argues otherwise
is foolish. (IMHO) GPL doesnt grant the freedom to remove the freedom from
others, so its not as free to the end user, but it preserves freedoms that
it does give.
An example would be your freedom in this country. While you are free to a
degree, there are certain freedoms you are denied(like killing or raping
others) in order to preserve thier 'freedom' to not live in fear etc..
> On which BSD to use... I also use FreeBSD, and have no complaints.
FreeBSD is the most popular. NetBSD is probably the best, plus I told
Mycroft if I ever suggested a BSD it would be NetBSD. After all its
maintainer came out of the FSF. ;)