Tom Bradford wrote:
> KevinO wrote:
> >
> > Be vigilant with your security on a Linux system = you have a pretty
> > tight box.
> > Be vigilant with your security on a MS system = you're still open ,
> > whether you realize it or not. Unless of course you unhook it from the
> > LAN, disconnect the modem, etc...
> Still, since Windows can't (usually) be used as a staging point for
> further attacks, I'd say the problems surrounding Linux security present
> a much greater risk to a network.
Even a puny Windows box can be made into an attack machine once you
'own' it.
Just an example :
> Since there are quite a few more
> problems with Linux, and the risks are much greater, I'm not buying into
> your argument.
What problems ? A properly set-up Linux box has only the services and
tools installed that
are necessary. (If done properly, of course) We've even got control over
the kernel.
Windows gives one much less control over what is and what is not
installed. (Ever try to remove the web browser? Uninstall ActiveX or
Outlook Express ?)
Granted, it doesn't do much good if packages/programs are not upgraded
when problems are found, but at least with Linux you have the option.
> I'm a Linux and Solaris user. I don't like Microsoft or their software,
> but I refuse to buy into the rancor that oozes out of a very small
> percentage of Linux users. It's just as much FUD as anything that comes
> out of Redmond, and there's really no place for it in the Linux
> community. You can't run around saying you're better than Microsoft if
> at the same time you're spouting the same type of crap they are.
Here at least we are in at least some agreement. While it is important
to make well known the existence of new-found exploits (especially when
it is the only way to get a vendor to even admit there is a 'problem'),
the emphasis must be on solutions to help solve the problem, not making
the problem worse... .
Kevin O'Connor
She can kill all your files;
She can freeze with a frown.
And a wave of her hand brings the whole system down.
And she works on her code until ten after three.
She lives like a bat but she's always a hacker to me.
-- Apologies to Billy Joel