EarthLink is a pretty good ISP, I just ordered a DSL package
from them. 1.5mbps down/356kbps up, $49.95/mo. I haven't
been activated yet, so I'm not sure if I'll actually get what they
promised, but so far they've treated me pretty well. A lot better
than Telocity/NorthPoint (NorthPoint recently went bankrupt
and Telocity did little about it except give me a dial-up line and
a sob story about how they can't get any other carriers to connect
to my place).
About the Linux issue; you can go with almost any DSL provider
as long as they provide you with a DSL modem that can connect
to an ethernet card (which most do, including EarthLink).
Everything else is a cakewalk to get your Linux box up and
running on the connection. Just configure your ethernet card with
the right IPs and go.
> From: "kyle" <>
> > Hello All,
> > I am wondering if anybody knows a good ISP to sign up
> > for that offers DSL. I want to be able to hook it up
> > to my linux box however and i know that many companies
> > only support microsoft or mac products. Any
> > suggestions? Also i cannot get cable modem access.