> Am 30. Apr, 2001 schwäzte AZ_Pete so:
> > I need recommendations on which Linux Distro to use.
> The only flame topic worse than which editor or which MUA :).
Yeah, but is so much FUN! ;-)
> ... I would suggest RedHat
> because that's what you know. If you're more familiar or happier with
> TurboLinux, then go that way.
> ...
> Another tack would be for both of you to install Mandrake or debian and
> you can learn with him. As long as both of you continue to have
> functioning email, that works :).
Yeah, and if you know RH, then Mandrake is 'fairly close' (for some
value of close ;-) I've been using Mandrake and am pretty happy
with it.
on the questino of which release of Mandrake to use, 8.0 is the latest,
but it IS a 'point uh-oh' release, so there may still be some issues.
Some folks have loved it and had no problems, others have major
non-works, like sound or whatever. I'm using 7.2 almost everywhere
except for my soon-to-be new firewall, which has 8.0 since I wanted
a 2.4 kernel for firewalling. So I cannot comment on X under 8.0,
but otherwise its been running fine.
> Default RedHat install is easy. Leaves too many security holes open,
> though. 7.1 is supposed to be much better.
> > What would you guys recommend for a Linux Distro that is easy to install and
> > uses KDE or GNOME by default, and has a good variety of apps (email,
> > browser, Word Proc, spreadsheet, etc). Ease of Installation and Ease of Use
If you install everything under 7.2, you need like 2.4 gig, and it comes
with SO (I think, but maybe I downloaded it), and more than one other
spreadsheet and WP program. I was impressed with kspread (or k-something),
but have not tried importing M$-stuff into it, which I think will be
a real... experience ;-)
> > are most important, since I will only be able to provide phone support (he
> > lives in IN and I live in AZ).
Of course, if he can still get on the 'net, you could always ssh into
his machine and help 'direct' - and if not, then you could dial in to
his machine - but I can tell you setting up a dialin server is...
amusing (for negative values of amusing!) ;-)