> I wish it was 'just' an editor. I don't like coffee. I don't need my > editor to make me any. Not even double-caff decaf :).
If you're having a personal problem, emacs can help!
But, wait! There's more!
If you're too lazy to have a personal problem, you have have emacs help
Zippy the Pinhead!
Don't tune out just yet!
And if you don't feel like code, you can have ICQ annoy you every now and
then in a nice, completely unusable interface!
And we'll throw in at no extra charge!
A completely useless web browser!
( I use XEmacs. Wether or not that makes me worse or better, I don't
know. But I do know that the Xemacs sources are only sligtly larger than
the linux kernel. I still contend that someone should port ReiserFS to
LISP, and then get rid of any pretense of (X)emacs being an editor. )