linux in the workplace

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Subject: linux in the workplace
We were , just geeting caught up to this point now. We've both been
pretty busy lately ....

Sorry I didn't get a chance to chat at the meeting. Think you might
venture out to Steve's meeting at GCC ? I will probably go and try to
help him out. I've been trying to get him out to a PLUG meeting or a
stammtisch (sp?) for ages.

Kevin O

"der.hans" wrote:
> Am 07. Mar, 2001 schwäzte so:
> > I think Rooster is the guy we bought the Hard drives from ...
> That he is.
> You gonna be at the meeting tomorrow? Haven't seen you or Susan for a
> while.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> # ;-)
> # If you're not learning, you're not living. - der.hans
> ________________________________________________
> See if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
> Plug-discuss mailing list -

Kevin O'Connor

If you look very closely at the underside of
an Intellimouse Explorer, and look directly
at the LED, you can see the fires of hell
awaiting you for buying a MS product......or
maybe I'm just seeing things......I
dunno....damn meds....

From Armin Hartinger <> Fri Mar 9 08:03:40 2001
From: Armin Hartinger <> (Armin Hartinger)
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 01:03:40 -0700
Subject: hosting on sprint bbd
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hello Greg,

There are basically 3 problems with it.

1. The upstream speed is pretty bad... For me, it's like 5K/s. A far
cry from being usable for your server if it's not a development

2. Their Acceptable Use Policy doesn't allow servers.

3. The reliability of the service is bad as well. During the day I
have like 35% packet loss, it's better at night, with almost every
other night hours of downtime due to maintenance.

Bottom line: Sprint Broadband is VERY unsuited for hosting.

I have my kids's websites hosted on the Linux-box I use as
gateway/development box..

Ping them if you want...


Thursday, March 08, 2001, 12:49:28 PM, you wrote:

FG> has anyone successfully tired hosting on
FG> sprint bbd service? (from your own machine).

FG> Grzegorz Furmanek
FG> ----------------------------------------------------------
FG> Three Mile Island '79 Chernobyl '86 Windows '00 (1900)

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FG> ________________________________________________
FG> See if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.

FG> Plug-discuss mailing list -

Best regards,