Am 01. Mar, 2001 schwäzte Sir Edward James William so:
> I want to login remotly and add users through telnet.
> I can get a telnet connection and login with other user accounts I configed.
> However I cant, login remotly through telnet as root
Good. Since the advent of ssh (especially OpenSSH) using telnet to login
is evil. Uninstall the telnet deamon altogether and use ssh
instead. Telnet leaves data like your passwd in clear text for others to
sniff. Same with the 'r' services. ssh provides the functionality and
encrypts everything. It also allows you to securely tunnel x apps back to
your workstation.
ssh is available for many platforms and is also available as a java
app. Several PDAs have sh capabilities.
# ;-)
# Friends don't let friends telnet. Long live ssh...