Author: Date: Subject: trouble connecting to @home cable modem
\_ I've been thinking of getting a Cisco cable modem. It's supposed to have
\_ the Cisco IOS on it and it functions just like a real router. Any
\_ suggestions on whether this will be a good device with Cox's service? I'm
\_ sure I could set it up DHCP but I'm not sure about the hostname and how
\_ that would work..
I think the first step would be to see if your area/copper wire
supports only the elder LanCity protocol or the new DOCSIS standard or
both. If you're in DOCSIS land and it's a newer Cisco modem, you're
probably in downtown. If not, YMMV with an unpleasant "bang" right at
the beginning.
DOCSIS is the "standard" cable modem protocol, IIRC, ratified by the
acronymed powers that be.