\_ Last time it was me that harassed the recruiter for posting, this time I'm
\_ going to take the opportunity to defend him.
Actually, I wasn't harrassing Anthony, rather commending him
indirectly by suggesting any of *his* competition has to be *like* him to
play here. He's got the frequency and topic settings right, and if he
cares enough to make meetings, why can't we "make" the others show up too?
\_ we just leave it at that? Do we have to get immature about it? Do I need to
\_ flush out 20 emails of retarded comments?
Ya want 20 copies of this and fry's with that? :-)
\_ Also, when and if those of us who are interested decide to respond, it would
\_ be appreciated if that response could be private and not public?
Yeah, but see I didn't want ppl thinking I was bashing Anthony for
doing the right thing [IMHO], which I'm not.
Basically, I was planning for future recruiters on the list rather
than smiting the polite one we have "in-house" already.
I will try to be quiet on this for a while....