seller <-> buyer DB package

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Subject: seller <-> buyer DB package
I've been toying with the idea of developing an open-source 'eBay' of sorts
for a long time... just haven't had 2 minutes to rub together to start.
Ever since Opnix moved in down the street, the radiation generated by their
massive bandwidth has destroyed most of my frontal lobe. (j/k guys hehe)

I had a sweet mock-up done once using apache/mysql/php... it's very doable.

I'd like to know if anyone has seen something like this already in the works...
perhaps I'll volunteer to help? Anybody?

Gary Nichols             
Network Ops Manager         NeoPlanet, Inc.
RHCE #806200886701949          Linux Inside
I don't do windows.

> moin, moin,
> while I'm on the subject of DBs I've got a friend who wants to put up
> a site that allows sellers of something particular (he's got a specific
> set of stuff and can maintain the catalog) to list what they have for sale
> and then allow buyers to browse and hookup with the sellers for purchase.
> The idea is that sellers would anonymously list what they have for sale
> (probabably needs some sort of ranking system for those who've done
> business with others) and sellers could then contact buyers through his
> system.
> Anyone know of an Open Source solution that could easily be configured to
> take care of this type of thing.
> danke,
> der.hans
> --
> #
> # A t-shirt a day keeps the noose (tie) away. - der.hans
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